Thursday, 10 May 2007

Pinpointing phenomena and states

     Multitude of states. Phenomena are, what we experience as the development of states. Phenomenon describes how states came to be, or come about. Phenomenon description contains the features, the rules, and the states that result by the application of the rules. An agent, (in the case of "adapting chaos in our lives", the individual), applies, follows, enforces the rules. Agents, in the case of chemical reactions, are the atoms, and the atoms are the entities that follow the rules, as they interact with one another. The features in this case, are the electrons in their outer electron shell, which represent the conditions. Are these the conditions? And what about heat, pressure, concentration? Are these not, the conditions? Certainly they are. Can we refer to the features of: outer electron shells, atom size, isotopes as conditions? Certainly not. Conditions refer to the state of the environment, where the agent acts in, whereas features, to the state of the agent. Both can be described by variables. Conditions are continuous variables, taking values within a given range and features are discontinuous variables, discrete states, constants just as parameters are defined. A calium atom has for example two electrons in the outer electron shell, a given atom size. These are stable values, do not commute, the state configuration presented by that particular agent, the calcium atom.

     How can these premises be transferred to other phenomena? What would represent features and what conditions in weather phenomena, people's relationship systems, or personality constructs? Can conditions and features be both present in the weather system, for example. Conditions are easily discerned as the temperature, water content, altitude; and they are continuous. But what would constitute features? And what are the agents? Hard, not easily discerned. I need more information. That can lead to the conclusion that agent presence is not necessary for the occurrence of chaos phenomena, if I can not distinguish agents and features. Of course, a weather system involves air molecules; or not only, as other molecules are involved too. Water molecules as well as dust, all mixed up to form fluid, confined within a vast but nevertheless finite space. These certainly can be regarded as agents, and the features presented by these agents, along with rules directing interactions, are responsible for the weather phenomena.

     Are these the only features? What else? What about the space, all these molecules are included in. Or regions of space, as weather phenomena are developing locally. Would it be then, more spread out, parameters that have to do with features presented as masses of air molecules and not as single molecules. Molecule-population-connected features, which once the population of molecules reaches an adequate size, it presents the features, becomes the agent, which responds to the existing, prevailing conditions and develops, in the states described by the phenomena of rain, wind, storm, hurricane.

What about phenomena of personality constructs?

     What would be the conditions, the features, the agents? Certainly the main candidate for agent is the individual itself. But when we are talking about personality, it is a structure based on that very same individual, that we assume as agent. Can it be possible to have an agent that acts upon itself? The space where all these activity takes place, within it? Features, yes, we can discern. But what about rules? What are the rules that the agent, within the agent follows? What is personality for that matter? Everything that defines us as a person. How good we are at things that we do, what makes us tick, what triggers our emotions, to what extent our emotions are expressed, how tuned we are to changes around us. OK, that's enough. Can we discern any agent among these, any carrier, rules followed? Any features? Rules must be simple. Features must be stable, discreet variables, given parameters. There are features, all these genetically determined qualities, imprinted in our genomes.

     But how can genes determine features? That can act as agent features? Let us consider about how good we are at things we do. Depending on the task to do, we take a different approach. If the task is physical, it requires dexterity of hands, arms, legs and dexterity is determined by genes. We are equipped by birth, with abilities which we make use, to accomplish physical tasks. In the same way we handle mental tasks, which again depend on the level of ability, as dictated by genes responsible for the construction of our brain, brain mechanisms, the neurons, the nerve cells.

     Neurons, and not only, as they act as groups of neurons, each group with a specific task at hand. Can we say that these groups of neurons, are the agents; with stable features, discreet, given parameters, non-commutable that define a state, the state of our mind? Our mind presents different aspects, mental planes, each mind aspect, a component of mind is brought about, out of the physical interactions, of their designated neuron groups. And mind, the whole, out of the interactions of its component aspects, along with the associated neuron groups.

     And there, there are the features, the stable, discreet, non-commutable and genetically determined. And these are, the neuron firing patterns, firing threshold of neuron, neuron fatigue, degree of development of specialised regions of the brain (themselves neuron groups) all genetically determined and stable. Do the groups of neurons constitute the agent? Can we say that our personality is constructed by the interaction of groups of neurons? What about the conditions?

     The continuous variables, the environment within which the agent acts? If the groups of neurons are regarded as agents, then the environment is our brain itself. The internal conditions that affect our brain mechanisms. The level of oxygen, of glucose, of neurotransmitters, of sodium and potassium ions. Their presence or absence, their concentration, as they are regulated by diet as well as by the different situations an individual finds itself in. As the internal environment mirrors the external environment, in a specific manner for each indiviual, as it reflects its genetically determined features of neuron activity.

     So there, these are the features and conditions that determine personality constructs and influence people's relationships. But what about rules? .....

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